Monday, July 30, 2007

Hope keeps me going, but you keep me alive

I've awoken today to realize that god has blessed me with truly amazing people.
You guys are my rock..more then just that but my life... without you I wouldn't have made it through the tough times. Though I wasn't blessed with siblings.... I'm truly blessed with you in my life... you are my family....

To Tina- My beautiful sister who's got more soul and integrity then any other person.
You are such a beautiful inspiration to me and your words today helped me more then you know.

To Brinda- I don't know anyone else that has endured so much in a life time.. but your composure and amazing spirit is truly inspirational.. i don't know of any other person who could possibly possess the same kind of strength and character as you despite all your difficulties in life.. You never use them as an excuse for anything and I admire you. I only wish I possessed half the strength as you.I pray for you and your family. But I'm glad life turned out great for you. Leaving nYC was definitely a blessing.

To Theo and Helen- I can't possibly understand why god keeps testing you. I've never met anyone else with such strong convictions as both of you. both of you are truly amazing women and there's always a reason why things happen. Your spirit and integrity amazes me and I know Helen, you will make it through these darks days. I think of you everday and I only pray and hope that you'll get the happiness you deserve.. stay strong through all this. You'll get through this.

To D-Paul- Despite our differences, I can't imagine not having you guys in my life. Danny, your voicemail last week truly made my day. I always love your spirit and zest for life. I've never met anyone with a bigger heart than you. You are a rarity.... Paula- you're email today only lifted up my spirits more... I couldn't be more thankful and grateful to the both of you.

To Rob- Thanks for the tough love man. You always know how to put me back in my place. I truly appreciate your harsh words but I know its only out of love. You definitely are a rarity and I'm grateful you are always there to lend an ear. I hope you will make it through the tough days as well.. I pray for you and N that you guys will make it through...

To Bogs/Rene&Cris-Thanks for being there. I know I can always count on you guys for moral and emotional support. Not to mention some good company when I need it most.


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